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Get Started: Free Declutter Guide

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Kristin is a Registered Interior Designer (RID) in the State of Texas + a Nationally Certified Designer (NCIDQ) who’s thrilled + humbled to support you simplify your home + life.

Managing The Kitchen Clutter: 5 Tips That Get Results Quickly

Managing The Kitchen Clutter: 5 Tips That Get Results Quickly

Kitchens are known clutter collectors, even in the most tidy and organized homes. Fact. The way we use them, how they’re set up inside our home, the zones we create and how we use the space naturally create opportunities for stuff to pile up. Keep these 5 kitchen decluttering tips in your back pocket and you’ll be able to reset and manage the kitchen clutter in your home in a snap.

Do a drinking cup/vessel audit (edit).

WHY: You likely have too many (I’d be willing to bet money on it) and it’s eating up valuable cabinet/kitchen space that you need for other things, making your kitchen feel smaller.

HOW: Pair down mugs, travel cups, water bottles, everyday cup and glasses, etc.

TRAPS: Avoid lots of duplicates - toss broken/unusable cups - if you never use it (be honest) donate it.

GAINS: You’ll recover valuable cabinet space, you’ll stop digging, you’ll wash less and have less to manage! Woo hoo!

Do a food audit (edit) - fridge, freezer, pantry, spices, etc.

WHY: Food you don’t need that you’re holding space for is taking up valuable square footage all over your kitchen. You’ll learn what you need to buy and what to stop wasting money on plus learn what you have in stock now.

HOW: Remove expired items, food you’re never eating, don’t like, don’t plan to eat, etc.

TRAPS: Avoid keeping too much back stock of foods you never get to and waste. Keep stock of food items you use/want to eat.

GAINS: You’ll recover valuable cabinet space, you’ll stop digging, you’ll have less to wash and have less to manage!

Do a countertop audit (edit).

WHY: Extras on your counter tops are wasting valuable space to prep food - it’s also visually cluttering up your entire kitchen/causing you constant stress.

HOW: Remove items that don’t need to be put on the counter - be ruthless - if it can be tucked away near where it’s used, do it.

TRAPS: Rarely used appliances (like toasters, blenders, mixers) hog valuable countertop space - make every single item earn its place or remove it!

GAINS: Your kitchen will instantly look cleaner and larger when you simplify/reduce what is out on your kitchen counters. Less visual clutter will make kitchen tasks easier, improve your kitchen workflow and reduce stress.

Do a cooking utensils audit (edit).

WHY: Well, you don’t need 12 spatulas to start. You likely have more than you need and you have your favorites you love to go to time and time again. Your favorites need to take center stage to streamline your workflow in your kitchen.

HOW: Remove kitchen utensils you don’t use regularly, are in poor shape (cannot be repaired or donated), you don’t remember the last time you used them, or you simply don’t like them (yes, this is a perfectly good reason to part with something)!

TRAPS: Be mindful of holding on to too many duplicates. They eat up your counters and drawer space and make you dig for the things you use everyday. Unless it is serving a specific function, makes a task easier and it is used regularly, it needs to go. If you are not a big baker, you shouldn’t have 10 whisks, for example.

GAINS: More drawer space, less digging, simplified kitchen tasks and routines, more efficient workflow in your kitchen, more space, more space, more space!

Do a kitchen decor audit (edit).

WHY: It might not reflect your current season of life, it might not reflect your aesthetic or it might be taking up space that could be better used for more functional items you need regular access to. It might also just be visual clutter all over your kitchen, causing stress.

HOW: Check your counter tops, walls, books, vessels, trays, bowls, kitchen rugs, kitchen towels, etc. Remove anything that takes up more space that it is worth, you’ve grown out of love with, is too loud or not your style anymore, could be more useful in another space in your home, or you’d rather have the space back and could be donated.

TRAPS: Decor is another layer of items that will fight for your attention and clutter up your kitchen if you’re not careful. As we discussed with your counter tops, make every single decor piece/layer in your kitchen earn it’s place. Aim for items that check off the function and aesthetic categories equally. Both are essential.

GAINS: Simplify your kitchen, visually streamline the look and feel of your kitchen, gain back usable space throughout, reduce stress with less visual clutter and more intentional choices will bring you more joy!

Want to take your kitchen to the next level without a costly renovation? Here’s a few options for you to get you moving + motivated with all things decluttering, organizing + design for your kitchen!

Ultimate Kitchen + Pantry Guide

Shop more Declutter + Organize Resources

Free Declutter Guide

How To Declutter All The Kids Stuff at the End of the School Year

How To Declutter All The Kids Stuff at the End of the School Year

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How To Know When To Declutter In Your Home: 5 Red Flags To Look For