UNDERSTANDING HOW WE LIVE + WORK in our home gives us incredible insight. It helps us create greater efficiency in everything we do, reduce stress, make daily tasks easier to complete + save our mental + physical energy. This is so much deeper than just finding the “right containers”. Organization is about streamlining + simplifying everything.

WHAT YOU’LL FIND ON THIS PAGE learn the basics of organizing below + simple strategies for how to start organizing in your home. Scroll down for even more organizing resources to help you take action in your home now. You’ve got this! I’m right here with you.

Q: Why Does Organizing Feel Hard Sometimes?

The process of organizing can feel hard or particularly confusing when you forget to connect items with essential tasks + day to day routines in your home. The objects you keep in your home must be tied to something you are doing, + these actions you’re taking (laundry, making breakfast, reading before bed) must then drive the location of how you group things + where you store them. If you skip this step, organizing is hard to make sense of. PS. If you want organizing to feel really hard, skip decluttering. It will make your efforts feeling unending + impossible! Always declutter first.

Organizing Tips:

➜ START SMALL - choose a small amount of time + a small area to work on

➜ PICK SOMETHING WITH A CLEAR BOUNDARY - think a drawer, a shelf, the freezer, socks (a single category), the top of your desk, etc. - it has a clear starting + stopping point that helps keep you focused

➜ FOCUS ON ESSENTIALS - when organizing a space around a task (like laundry for example) aim to keep only the things that will make doing laundry feeling easy + low effort. Remove things from the area that become obstacles + unnecessary distractions.

➜ SUBDIVIDE STORAGE AREAS - to be able to see everything you have + use it easily, you might need create smaller zones instead of putting everything in one large group together (example: a drawer for desk essentials, instead of lumping everything together, create 3 small mini zones to avoid digging around like 1) writing utensils 2) cutting tools 3) small desk supplies like erasers + clips). This is how you save time, use what you have + not waste money overbuying things because you know what you have.

➜ MAKE EVERYTHING EASY - a great question to always ask yourself while setting up a zone in your home + organizing it is “how can I make this easier”? Often this question reveals things like items you need to be able to reach the quickest, or items that can be up high or towards the back because they are used less frequently. It can drive removing items or the need to relocate items because they add more value in another zone in your home. Make things as easy as possible for you - think less steps, less time, simple, easy, etc. Filter out anything making things feel hard.

Organizing Myths To Be Aware Of:

➜ ORGANIZING IS ALWAYS EXPENSIVE - WRONG. The fundamentals of organizing have to do with creating simple order around daily tasks + routines in your home. In general , this can be done with things you already own or things you likely have currently all around your home if you’ll take the time to look at things with fresh eyes.

➜ MY HOME HAS TO LOOK A CERTAIN WAY - WRONG. Being “organized” in your home can look however you want it to. It can be uniform, it can be collection + free containers like boxes/packaging, or a combo of any of these. You get to choose. It is your home.

➜ ORGANIZING HAPPENS ONE TIME ONLY - WRONG. Sort of. I think there’s more effort upfront to get a small “working right” + then only light maintenance after that. We cannot expect our needs in a space to never change or to be checked in on - as our spaces they need to grow + evolve with us + our life (super normal by the way).



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organizing / simplifying tasks / creating order