What's Important - Printable Task Organizer

What's Important - Printable Task Organizer


This modern printable task list planner is perfect to get you focused on what's important to you in work and life in order of priority. Simply print the PDF on A4 or letter sized paper, start writing in the tasks by category and pin up or keep digital. As you move through your week or month, use this to keep you focused on what's most important.

This is perfect for helping you create strategic focus for certain bursts of time in your personal life and work. You could also use this to keep track of current and future house projects.



1) Print PDF document (print in black/white)
2) Fill in the lines under each of the time frame categories
3) Write in and fill out the template as you work through your goals + priorities
4) Fill it all out and see how helpful this brainstorming list makes keeping your productivity + focus with your time!


★ use this template for weekly, monthly or longer tasks lists + goal setting or projects
★ easy black and white printing at home
★ area for "now, soon, later" goals, tasks + projects
★ save, file + reprint to reuse as you wish!


What's Important Template PDF - A4 metric
What's Important Template PDF - 8.5 x11 - letter size


Use Adobe Reader (FREE) to view and print, or any other PDF readers. You can download a free reader here:

Please use "Actual Size" when printing, do not "Scale to Fit" page.

Please feel free to email me any questions! EMAIL: fuzzyhippodesign@gmail.com

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