HAVING KIDS IN YOUR HOME CHANGES EVERYTHING and makes it ever more essential for the home to have a steady stream of decluttering + easy to follow organizational systems set up to make daily life easier. When these ideas are central to the home, living as a family is far more enjoyable + everyone can better contribute to the care of the home.

WHAT YOU’LL FIND ON THIS PAGE learn the basics of living with kids stuff in the home, decluttering + organizational tips to get you started. Scroll down for even more kids resources to help you take action in your home now. You’ve got this! I’m right here with you.

Q: Why Does it Feel Challenging to Declutter + Organize with Kids?

Society tells us that kids need more, when they actually need less stuff to thrive. Couple this with the adults in the home learning to have boundaries/filter what they own, while teaching their own children how to do this for themselves. It can feel like a lot! There’s also a misconception that the solution is more organizing solutions, bins and baskets. The first step is always decluttering. Organizing happens next, after decluttering has happened. If you are a parent and life feel pretty FULL these days, I’ve got you. I’m in the thick of it with you! Because of this, you need to shake the idea that decluttering/organizing is going to take a long time, so you’ll have to wait for the perfect time to do it when life feels less busy. Newsflash, this moment won’t happen! The way you get more free time back is by decluttering and organizing in small bits, and I’m here to help show you how to do this!

Decluttering with Kids Tips:

➜ START SMALL - choose a small amount of time + a small area to work on. Feel free to grab a timer, throw 10 minutes on it and see what you can do.

➜ PICK A CATEGORY TO FOCUS ON - think books, shoes, building toys, writing utensils, shirts, etc.

➜ INVOLVE YOUR KIDS - once your kids are two and up is an excellent time to involve them, even in super small ways. Ask questions about what items they LOVE/FAVORITES, what do you not like to play with anymore, etc. Clothing will be more obvious knowing when something just doesn’t fit anymore. More on how to do this in my Parents + Kids Guide to Decluttering.

➜ DECLUTTERING AS A LIFESTYLE - change your mindset to see items that need to be decluttered when it happens - like a grown out coat, shoes that don’t fit, broken junk toys from a party. As soon as you know it needs to be removed from the home, do it.

➜ HAVE A LOOSE PLAN - I say loose because life is unpredictable and our plans need to be able to pivot but still accomplish the goal (ie. remove things from your home when needed). To start, dedicate a small zone for donation items (bag, box, nothing fancy). Move things there as soon as you know they need to go. If you like to sell items, you can separate those from items going to donations. Plan a drop off time that works for you. On an errand run, once a month, etc.

➜ SOMETIMES IT’S JUST TRASH - some items you will declutter can be repurposed, donated, given away, recycled, etc. Other items are just trash. No, it doesn’t feel good but it is part of decluttering. And the more we learn to filter items coming into the home, the less decluttering and trash we generate. But please don’t beat yourself up. Some things are just trash. Capiche? Deal.

Organizing with Kids Tips:

➜ START SMALL - choose a small amount of time + a small area to work on. Look for like items to corral together

➜ GIVE IT A BOUNDARY - group like things together with a boundary - a box, bin, bag, basket, etc. This keeps these items together with a dedicate home that anyone can put them away in. Keep in mind who using them and how much can manage and reach at a time.

➜ MODEL WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE - with any new (or old) organizing system for any part of your home with your kids, show and teach them what should happen. Walk them through it. Model it. Several times. Before you know it, everyone is cleaning up in less time, on autopilot. When anything can be found and put away with ease…this is true organization in the home. And yes, you can have this, promise!



digital / lifetime access / self-paced / simple steps


Parents + Kids Guide to Decluttering

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No B.S. Guide to Decluttering

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Organized Home Masterclass

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Low Cost Organizing Mini Guide

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organizing / simplifying tasks / creating order