Dynamic Women In Their Home - Molly

We’re in a year long series of interviews highlighting incredible women in our community. The focus of each interview is to have a candid conversation about their home, life, what they value, what feels challenging right now, and most importantly, what is bringing them joy.

Our next interview is with Molly Lam. Molly and I were destined to meet for many years because we were swirling around in the same handmade/makers community in the DFW area.

3 Steps to Improve Your Entryway Today: Back To School Edition

If I got paid for every time someone popped into my DMs about their entryway being a fluid concept, I’d FOR SURE be more financially stable in my small business!

For those of you who have hung out with me for a minute, you know that our entryway (where our front door is) also doubles as my kids’ main play area. Now while you may think I’m on something, I’ll assure you every square inch is intentional for everyone using the space and everything has a home. I also have to note that this spot happens to be more of a secondary entryway for us currently.

3 Things To Simplify Your Morning Routine For Less Stress: Back To School Edition

Well friends, it is August and back to school plus the general shift out of summer mode is upon us, and with that comes the resurgence of morning chaos (if we let it)!

The phenomenon of morning chaos comes from two things. One, things taking too many steps to complete. And two, things being done that don’t actually need to be done at that time. But I have GREAT news! We have control over both of these things, and when we streamline our morning, it also allows for more flexibility to handle those unpredictable moments that tend to pop up conveniently at this time (like spills, a forgotten scrunchie, or a missing favorite shoe).

Dynamic Women In Their Home - Lauren

We’re in a year long series of interviews highlighting incredible women in our community. The focus of each interview is to have a candid conversation about their home, life, what they value, what feels challenging right now, and most importantly, what is bringing them joy.

Our next interview is with Lauren Nygard. Another one of my favorite humans I’m so thrilled to introduce you to in our incredible community here.