Decluttering For Good: How To Start + Make An Impact On The World Around You
I’ve done a lot of coaching and supportive counseling to clients, friends and family over the years about decluttering in their home. Within all those conversations, there’s two common trains of thought I’ve observed that keep you stuck. One, that you have no time to declutter. Two, that you’re not sure where to start, causing lots of overwhelm, guilt and stress. Today we’re going to walk through a few simple ways to start decluttering and align your items you’re parting with to do good in the community around you.
Start Small.
This is my number one recommendation when you are decluttering in your home, whether you’re a newbie or you’re feeling seasoned with the concept. It’s the skill I teach in all of my masterclasses, guides and courses, the act of breaking things down into small, actionable steps (or mini tasks).
Here’s a few ways you can complete small decluttering tasks in your home in small chunks of time.
Grab a box or bag and walk your home or focus on one small area to declutter. Fill the box or complete that area and be done!
Focus on one category of items to declutter - books, shorts, writing utensils, spatulas, shoes. Put your blinders on with everything else and just focus on that one category and complete it.
Declutter one micro zone - one drawer, one shelf, one counter top, one seating area, one wall, one piece of furniture. Edit and eliminate items you no longer use, find value it or enjoy and keep the rest.
Schedule Your Donations.
I absolutely LOVE scheduling a donation pick up. I’d say this is one of the best tools I share with my clients, family and friends for getting decluttering done in my own home that will work for you too. It gets a hard date on the calendar to focus on, it lights a fire under you and gets you motivated to take action, it has a deadline (or an ending so to speak), and people are relying on you to keep your word. I love it and it works every time! Also note, do the best you can within the time frame you have. You may not get to everything and that is OK. You can schedule another pick up at another time when it makes sense for you. I love to schedule a pick up a week or two out so I have time to go through things and get everything organized for the pick up.
In recent months I’ve schedule donation pick ups with Salvation Army and Leukemia Texas. Also check out this article on charities that offer pick up services. See more donation resources below at the end of this post and always check locally in your area for what’s available around you.
A few tips to make your life easier and easier on the wonderful people who will pick up your items and do good with them:
Donate your items in something reusable or recyclable to reduce waste and trash during the process (paper bags, cardboard boxes or reusable or sellable containers/baskets/bags).
Organize your items by how your donation pick up service requests/categories your items, like clothing bags, household goods, kids toys, etc. I like to further sort items like clothing into adult and kid categories when relevant. This often reduces how many containers/boxes/bags you need for the donations because everything is grouped with like items that are often like shapes.
Make sure you follow the instructions of the donation service for pick up. Have your items out, organized and out/protected from the elements so it’s easy for the truck to pick up and move on to their next location.
Align your donated items to do good for others.
Often times the one thing missing to motivate us to complete decluttering tasks in our home is a greater purpose. For example, if you know that decluttering in your closet is going to help women who can’t afford a new wardrobe for job interviews that are trying to get back on their feet with Dress For Success, aren’t you going to be more willing to see it through? Or that taking the time to declutter toys and books with your kids you’ll be able to offer items to donate to a cause like My Stuff Bags Foundation who offer support, comfort and goods to children displaced from their home.
There are so many ways to align your decluttering efforts and items with good all around your community and beyond. Check out our newly revamped donation resources here for more ideas.
Now’s your turn. What is a favorite donation spot you love to share your decluttered home goods too? I’m so excited to continue building our donations resources to serve our community!
How can I help? Want more support decluttering in your home?
Learn the basics of Decluttering